July 25, 2023

++Mag 3rd edition

The first magazine for the IT community in BiH

We are bringing you ++Mag- issue no. 3. See what's new in the tech space and our IT community.
In this issue, we discuss everything from Fediverse to Software 2.0, digital nomads, UX/UI and more. 

Plus, you get to enjoy interviews with international and regional notable names, tips on travel, time management and overcoming imposter syndrome.

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Get your sample. Click Download Magazine below and enjoy the read.
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Playwright vs. Selenium: A Technical Knockout Victory  

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Klika Leadership Academy: Developing and Empowering Leaders as a Priority 

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September 16,  2024

Sorted Identifier Generators in Distributed Systems 

In distributed systems, generating unique, sorted identifiers presents a significant challenge, especially when considering factors like efficiency, security, and scalability—this article explores various methods, from UUIDs to ULIDs and Snowflake IDs, to address these issues.

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Why Flutter?

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Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum computing promises incredible power, but also significant risks. This technology, which harnesses the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics, is both an evolution and a revolution.

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LinkedIn, Humor, and the Evolution of Communication

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